Library Policies


In order to make materials available to all patrons on an equal basis, the library will set policies for length of loan period, renewals, reserves and fees. The library will determine who is eligible to borrow materials and will provide for the return or replacement of such materials.

To be eligible for a library card, a person must be a resident of the Oswego Public Library District. Identification and proof of residency are required at the time a library card is issued. A parent or guardian may provide identification and proof of residency for individuals under 18. Teens, with proof of identity and address, may apply for their own cards.

Persons residing outside the Oswego Public Library District and not entitled to the services of any tax-supported public library may purchase a non-resident library card, which will be valid for the term of twelve months. Non-resident library cards shall be purchased at the closest participating public library in the school district in which the non-resident has his or her principal residence.

Non-resident homeowner fees for library privileges will be determined by applying the library’s current tax rate to the resident’s equalized assessed valuation, taken from the current tax bill. A copy of the current tax bill indicating owner name, property location, and property valuation shall be provided to the library for verification purposes.

Non-resident renter’s fees will be 15 percent of the monthly rent as the annual non-resident fee. The renter shall provide to the library a current rent lease with receipt or a cancelled rent check for verification purposes.

Oswego Public Library District cardholders receive first priority for all library services and programs.

The Oswego Public Library District participates in the Reciprocal Borrowing Program (RBP). Reciprocal Borrowers must present and register the card issued by their “home” library. Cards must be verified annually with their home library for continuation of services. The Reciprocal Borrower will have the same rights and responsibilities as an Oswego Public Library District card holder with a few exceptions:

  • No ILLs
  • No eBook or Audio downloads
  • No remote access to subscription databases


Item Time
Current Popular DVDs 7 days, 2 renewals
Video Games 7 days, one renewal
DVDs 21 days, 2 renewals
Periodicals 7 days, 2 renewals
Binoculars 7 days, no renewal
Launchpads 21 days, no renewal
Steam Boxes 7 days, no renewal
Kits varies depending upon type of kit, no renewal
ILL material subject to home library regulations
All other material 21 days, two renewals for items with no holds
Book discussion kits 42 days for adult, young adult and youth

There is a limit of 50 items that may be checked out per patron card. Among the 50 items, limit of 30 DVDs, no limit on CDs, 1 Launchpad and 1 Video game. Park District, Schools and other institutions may have a limit of 75, provided those items are for classroom use only.

The Oswego Public Library District is no longer charging late fees on overdue items. This applies to any patron (including those who visit us from other libraries) who would check out through either of our Oswego Public Library District locations.

Although you will no longer be charged a late fee, after an item is two weeks overdue, your account will be blocked from any further checkouts until you return the item.

Patrons will receive one overdue notice when an item is approximately one week overdue, a second at two weeks overdue, and when an item is four weeks overdue a final notice is sent. A charge equal to the replacement cost of the item is attached to the patron’s record after approximately six weeks.

We will accept items back in good condition in lieu of paying the bill, up to 60 days of the due date. After 60 days the item will have already been replaced and/or withdrawn from the catalog.

Accounts with fees over $100.00 will be sent to collection after 60 days.

Patrons, and guardians in the case of a child, will be denied library service until accounts are cleared under the following circumstances:

  • Patron has an item overdue by 14 days or longer.
  • Patron has fines for lost or damaged material.
  • Patron can have no more than three “claimed returns.”

Patrons are able to request ILLs from other libraries by asking a librarian to order the material or requesting materials via the Ask-a-Librarian form on our website.  A limit of 5 items can be requested at any one time.

The ILL process is very time consuming and costly both to the Oswego Public Library District and the staff that is kindly lending the material.  To that end, the following repercussions are placed on ILLs that are not picked up or are overdue:

  • 1st time item not picked up – patron blocked from ILL for 3 months
  • 2nd time item not picked up – patron blocked from ILL for 6 months
  • 3rd time item not picked up – patron blocked from ILL for one year
  • 4th time and subsequent instances – patron blocked from ILL for an additonal year for each instance
  • 30 days overdue – patron blocked from ILL for 6 months


Item Fee
Lost/damaged materials Replacement cost of item as determined by the library
Lost/damaged AV cases $2.00
Lost/damaged audiobook case $10.00
Lost CD booklet $0.50
Lost/damaged labels $0.50
Lost/damaged zipper bags $5.00
Lost/damaged bag items $10.00


  • The user must agree to follow all library policies and departmental procedures.
  • The library card is for the use of the cardholder only. No one may use another person’s library card, or use a computer session logged in by someone else.
  • Guest passes are available for out of town visitors for two hours per day for computers only. They must first check in with the Librarian, who will ask to see their photo identification.
  • All patrons with library cards will have access to the internet. Parents may opt out of internet access for their children by visiting the Circulation Desk and asking for the computer privileges to be removed.
  • If a child doesn’t have a library card, a guest pass may be requested from the Youth Services desk by the parent, guardian, or other designated adult accompanying them.
  • The library card must be valid.
    • Materials that are 14 days overdue render the card invalid.
    • Suspensions of any kind render the card invalid.
  • Patrons from Kindergarten- 5th Grade may use the computers in the Youth Services area.
  • Patrons from 6th to 8th grade must sign in to use the computers in the Young Adult or Youth Services areas.
  •  Patrons in 9th-12th grade may use the computers in the Adult Services and Young Adult areas.
  • No outside software or hardware may be used with or attached to library computers.
  • Violations of policies and procedures may result in loss of computer privileges.
  • We reserve the right to end a computer session at any time for activities deemed unacceptable, including but not limited to: behaving in a manner that is disruptive to others, including harassment, libel, or slander; destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of library computer equipment, software, or network security procedures; use of the Internet which in any way violates Federal or State law; unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material.
  • The Library has no control of the Internet and its resources and assumes no responsibility for the quality, accuracy, or currency of any Internet information. Library patrons use the Internet at their own discretion. The library is not responsible for damages, direct or indirect, resulting from a patron’s use of the Internet. Parents of minors must assume full responsibility for monitoring and supervising their children’s use of the computers.
  • Use of library computers is at the patron’s own risk. The Library is not responsible for loss of data or damage to personal devices due to use of computer equipment at its facility.
  • The user is responsible for any damage to library materials or equipment due to neglect, abuse, or loss, and will be charged the replacement cost for damaged or missing items.
  • The Library is currently using filters to comply with the CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act).


As part of its information mission, the library provides access to free materials/community information through the distribution of free handouts and the public posting of flyers, notices and posters. Such materials are limited to those of a civic, cultural, educational and recreational nature. Materials from for-profit groups, companies, organizations or individuals will not be accepted except to provide information regarding the visit of a published author if the event is free to the public. Distribution or posting of materials by the library does not necessarily indicate the library’s endorsement of the issues or events.

No outside organization or individual shall be permitted to display or exhibit any materials or posters which advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for public office, or which advocate an affirmative or negative vote for any proposition. Exceptions to this rule would be political materials of a non-partisan nature that educate the public.

Petitioning, solicitation, or distribution of literature or leaflets, canvassing, or similar types of appeals by individuals are not allowed in the library. Groups or individuals who wish to solicit, petition, canvas or distribute literature on library parking lots, sidewalks or other grounds surrounding the library may do so if they do not impede access to the building or interfere with use of the building.


Local government groups may request announcements be placed on the electronic sign by submitting the required information and forwarding it by email to “Ask a Librarian” on the Oswego Public Library District web site.

Requests should include the group’s name and a contact person with a contact telephone number and email address, and include, who, what, when, and why of the event. Request will be placed on the sign one week prior to the event date, if the library district is given two weeks notification of the event. The library district has the sole discretion to accept or reject the organization making the request and/or content of the message, as well as the ability to alter the text accordingly to fit the sign design. In the event there are several requests for any given time period, the requests will be posted on a first come-first serve basis.

In the event of an emergency, the library district has the right to suspend all messages and use the sign for emergency purposes only (i.e. Amber alert).

No personal requests will be posted on the electronic sign, i.e. birthdays, engagements, weddings, etc.

It will be the responsibility of the Library Director to manage and submit messages to the electronic sign. If there are any questions regarding whether or not a group requesting use of the sign is authorized per this policy, or regarding the content of a message, the Library Director will make a decision regarding the request.


As part of its mission, the Oswego Public Library provides information through both displays and exhibits provided from the library’s own collections or through those of other community agencies or individuals. Approval of a display or distribution of handout materials does not indicate that the library endorses any cause or activity.

Selection of all displays and exhibits are at the discretion of the library staff. All materials displayed in the library will be given reasonable care and protection within the limits of the general operation of the library. The library and the Board do not assume responsibility for damage or loss suffered on its premises, nor for the costs of insurance coverage. Such costs, losses, damages, etc. are understood to be the responsibility of the organization or individual providing the display or exhibit. A signed statement of insurance coverage should be provided when the display is established; or if it is uninsured, a statement releasing the library from responsibility should be provided.

All exhibits considered for space within the library must support the mission of the library and not cause disruption of the regular flow of library work and service. Set up and removal of the exhibit or display is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Material distributed by individuals must comply with the library’s policy on the Distribution of Free Materials/ Community Information. Exhibitor information is limited to biographical information and may include an address or phone number.


It is the library policy to charge cost recovery fees for the following services:

Service Time
3D printing $0.25 per gram
Microfilm orders cost recovery basis
Microfilm copies $0.20 per copy
Copier $0.20 per copy
Internet printing $0.20 per page
Internet printing/Color $1.00 per page
Faxing $1.00 per page
Returned check $25.00
Periodical article copies Cost recovery basis
ILL mailing fee $3.00


A. Oswego Public Library District – Purpose
The purpose of the Oswego Public Library District is to make accessible to the community books and other resources and services for education, information and recreation.  The library will furnish resource material on all subjects likely to be of concern or interest to users, present or potential, of whatever age or education.  It will provide suitable housing and access to these resources from a courteous, competent staff.

B. Intent
It is the intent of these rules and regulations to provide all persons with full and complete information, as requested, regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees, consistent with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act.

A. Library Organization

B. The most current operating budget, consisting of corporate, special levies, and bond funds.

D. The library has two locations:
32 West Jefferson Street, Oswego, IL 60543, and
1111 Reading Drive, Montgomery, IL 60538.

E. The library has 32 full time employees and 35 part time employees

F. Committees of the Board of Trustees are:

Personnel                      Finance                          Technology                 Planning & Development        Buildings & Grounds
Christine Diehl, chair     Terry Friedman, chair     Pete Wallers, chair        Committee of the Whole                 Committee of the Whole
Terry Friedman               Christine Diehl                  Dana Young
Pete Wallers                      Jim Connon                      Jim Connon
Jim Marter                        Emily Ramirez                 Christine Diehl 

Terry Tamblyn, as President, is ex officio member of all board committees.



A. Written requests must be sent to:

Attention: FOIA Officer                        Attention: FOIA Officer
Oswego Public Library District           Oswego Public Library District
32 W Jefferson Street                            1111 Reading Drive
Oswego, IL 60543                                  Montgomery, IL 60538

Or via e-mail:


B. The Library Board can appoint one or more library staff members to be FOIA Officers, provided they have completed the training required by the State of Illinois.

C. Current appointed FOIA Officers:

a. Sarah Skilton, Library Director

b. Krista Katzen, Assistant Library Director


Revised: 01/2010                                Updated General Information: 10/2024

Revised: 10/2024


No fund raising is permitted on library premises unless the proceeds return to the library, directly or indirectly.

No soliciting is permitted on library premises, unless sponsored by the library and cleared by the Director.


The Library welcomes suggestions for titles to add to our collection. We have created these guidelines to answer some frequently asked questions from local and/or self-published authors.

  • All materials added to the collection must meet the selection criteria in our Materials Selection
  • Our primary goal is to add materials that will appeal to a broad audience or have local significance.
  • A positive review in a major review journal (such as Kirkus ReviewsBooklist, or Library Journal) is the best way to bring a title to our attention. We do not consider paid reviews or Amazon reviews. Availability to purchase the book from a library vendor (such as Baker & Taylor or Ingram) will significantly increase the likelihood that we will add it to the collection.
  • Due to time constraints and the volume of inquiries we receive, we are unable to meet with individual authors, or to notify authors of our decision. If we add your book to the collection, it will appear in our library catalog within two months.
  • If you wish to bring a book to our attention, you can send information via email to Please include:
  • -Information about the book – title, author, ISBN, publisher, publish date, distributor.
    -Links to any professional reviews or news coverage.
    -A brief description of the book and its intended audience. You can also send this information by mail to:
    Attn: Materials Selector
    Oswego Public Library District
    1111 Reading Drive
    Montgomery, IL 60538
  • If you are a current resident of Kane County, Kendall County, or Will County, you may donate one copy of your book to the Library. All donations become the property of the Library. We will review the book and, if it meets our selection criteria, we will add it to the collection. If you choose to donate a book, please fill out and include the Local Author Book Donation form, and either mail it to the above address or drop it off at one of our library locations. Donations not added to the collection cannot be returned to the donor, but will be sent to the Friends of the Public Library to sell at their book sales, in accordance with the Materials Donation policy.

If you are a current resident of Kane County, Kendall County, or Will County, the Library will accept one donated copy of your new book. Please print out this form, wrap it around your book, and mail it to:

Attn: Materials Selector
Oswego Public Library District
1111 Reading Drive
Montgomery, IL 60538To save postage, you may bring your book and this form to the nearest Oswego Public Library District location and ask a staff member to forward it to the Materials Selectors.


The library encourages the donation of material with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if they meet the same standards required of purchased materials.  Donated materials not meeting those standards, those that are out of date, unneeded duplicates of items already owned, or those in a format unsuitable for library use, will be sold or discarded.  All profits made by selling items at the Friends of the Library Book Sale are used to benefit the Library.

Donated items will be integrated into the regular library collection in normal sequence, available to all library patrons, and otherwise handled as any other material belonging to the library.  If requested, a receipt will be given to the donor at the time the donation is made.


  • Gently used Fiction and Nonfiction  (Please do not bring in items that have been stored in a basement, attic or garage.)
  • DVDs, CDs, Audiobooks, or Video Games


  • Encyclopedias/Dictionaries
  • Textbooks
  • Magazines
  • Series (i.e. Time Life)
  • Any item that is musty or moldy

Please pack books in SMALL boxes/bags of 10 pounds or less. Limit of TWO boxes/bags at one time.

Monetary gifts to purchase materials are a wonderful way to remember and honor a loved one. All efforts are made to acquire materials in keeping with the wishes of the donor. The library places a bookplate in the item noting the honoree and donor(s).  If you are interested in making a donation, please fill out the Gift and Memorial Donation Form. This may be returned to the circulation desk at either campus or be mailed to the following address:

Oswego Public Library District
Attn: Business Office
1111 Reading Drive
Montgomery, IL 60538

If you have any questions, please email our Business Office at

A charitable bequest to the library is a wonderful way to benefit one of your favorite organizations. Any bequest which is given with conditions or stipulations as to its use will be accepted only if the Board of Trustees can agree to all conditions and stipulations.

Contact the Library Director, Sarah Skilton, at (630) 978-1506 or


Policy Statement on the Selection of Materials
As a community source of information and recreation open to all, the Oswego Public Library District collects and distributes printed and audiovisual materials, and electronic materials which educate, enrich, entertain, and inform. It is the responsibility of the Oswego Public Library District to provide, within its financial ability, a general collection of reliable materials which embrace broad areas of knowledge and interest, including both basic works of permanent value and timely materials on current issues. The selection of library resources is a prime activity within the library and is based on the needs and requests of patrons of all ages, races and creeds, and of organizations with a wide variety of interests.

Four factors govern the selection of materials for the library:

  • Adherence to the Library Bill of Rights (American Library Association, 2019; see Appendix II).
  • The needs of the individual and the community; those which are expressed and those which are basic and universal whether expressed or not.
  • The individual merit of each work.
  • The library: its existing collection, space, budget and services.

A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect, within its collection, differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. Materials will be judged on the basis of the content and style of the work as a whole, not on selected or random passages.

Responsibilities for Materials Selection
The Library Director. The ultimate responsibility for the selection of library materials, as for all library activities, rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board of Trustees. This responsibility is shared in its execution by the various department heads of the library and members of the staff. The Library Director should be able to answer to the Board and the public for actual selections made by the staff, and therefore, has the right to reject or recommend any book contrary to the recommendations of the staff.

Department Heads. The department heads select materials for purchase in the light of available budgets and within the framework of this materials selection policy. They also select materials to be purchased with money donated through memorials and gifts.

Selection of Materials
Criteria of Evaluation. Involved in the choice of materials are the experience and knowledge of the selectors, their knowledge of the community, the existing collection and the library budget. The overall value of the material is the chief criterion of selection. Material is judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not by a part taken out of context. No criteria are absolute.

Readers to be Served. The primary focus of the Library is to provide referral services and popular materials in a variety of formats for all ages. The Library purchases materials to provide timely, accurate, and useful information in its function as a reference library. It also provides recreational materials for leisure hours in its function as a popular materials center. School assignments for the elementary and secondary school student primarily are the responsibility of the school library. The Library provides materials supplemental to various courses of instruction. It does not provide textbooks unless they serve the general public by providing information on subjects where little or no material is available in any other form. The Library will provide materials that satisfy the general informational, recreational, and cultural needs of patrons of all ages. Purchase suggestions from patrons are welcome and are given serious consideration.

General Criteria

  • Reputation and/or significance of the author, his/her skill, competence and especially purpose;
  • Content – its present and potential relevance to community needs, its importance as a document of the times, and its relationship to existing collections and other materials on the subject;
  • Treatment – its appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content, its insight into human and social condition, and its suitability of subject and style for intended audience;
  • Suitability of physical form for library use;
  • Attention of critics, reviewers, and the public (see Appendix I for “Aids to Selection”).

Specific Criteria for Evaluation of Works of Imagination

  • Representation of an important movement, genre, trend or national culture;
  • Vitality and originality;
  • Artistic presentation and experimentation;
  • Sustained interest;
  • Effective characterization;
  • Authenticity of historical or social setting.

Specific Criteria for Evaluation of Works of Information and Opinion

  • Authority;
  • Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment;
  • Objectivity;
  • Clarity, accuracy and logic of presentation;
  • Representation of challenging, though extreme or minority, point of view.

Application of Criteria in the Selection Process

Works of Imagination – Fiction, Drama, Poetry. Involved in the selection of imaginative literature is the existence of a variety of types, each with its own kind of excellence, and the need to satisfy readers of differing tastes, interests, purposes, and reading levels. Some materials may be judged primarily in terms of artistic merit, scholarship, or their value as human documents; others are selected to satisfy the recreational and entertainment needs of the community. The library has set up no arbitrary single standard of literary quality. In selecting novels and short stories, its policy is to acquire fiction, whether amusing or serious, realistic or imaginative.

Works of Information and Opinion. In selecting nonfiction for general reading; readability and popular appeal, soundness of the author’s attitude and approach, and quality of writing are to be considered. In the case of the more scholarly works, the library considers the lack of such material in the present collection, the authority and the reputation of the author, the inclusion of the material in indexes and bibliographies and, in some cases, the reputation of the publisher and the price. The library must balance its obligation to meet demand and to maintain tolerance with its obligation to exclude materials which are poorly prepared and/or are available from other sources at low costs.

Gifts and Endowments. Space permitting, the library encourages the donation of materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if they meet the same standards required of purchased materials. Donated materials not meeting those standards, those that are out of date, unneeded duplicates of items already owned, or those in a format unsuitable for library use, will be sold or discarded.

Donated items will be integrated into the regular library collection in normal sequence, available to all library patrons, and otherwise handled as any other material belonging to the library. If requested, a receipt will be given to the donor at the time the donation is made.

Memorials, items purchased by the library with donated funds in memory or recognition of a particular person, may be marked with an appropriate bookplate. Suggestions for subject areas for the purchased material will be accepted. When donated or memorial material is no longer needed, it will be disposed of in the same manner as regularly purchase material.

Application of Criteria to Present Collection

Duplication. Inherent in the selection process is the problem of evaluation demands and need for duplication of materials. Multiple copies of fiction and popular non-fiction materials will be purchased as the demand warrants it.

Withdrawal. The Oswego Public Library District is not a library of historical record, except in the area of local history. To ensure a vital collection of continued value to the community, materials which have outlived their usefulness are withdrawn.

Weeding. Selection of materials for discarding is based on the following considerations:

  • Poor physical condition;
  • Ephemeral material that is no longer timely;
  • Books no longer considered accurate or factual;
  • Combination of little use and questionable value;
  • Excess copies of a title no longer in demand.

Replacement. It is the library’s policy not to replace automatically all materials withdrawn. Need for replacement is considered in relation to several factors; current selection procedures, number of duplicate copies, existence of adequate coverage in the collection, and demand for a specific title or subject.

Disposal of Surplus Library Materials. Library property (i.e. print and non-print materials from the collections and/or unwanted gifts) which in the judgment of the Director is no longer useful may be discarded, be given to local not-for-profit organizations, or sold.


Although the Library accepts responsibility for providing free access by the public to all points of view, the addition of an item to the collection in no way represents an endorsement by the library of any theory, idea, or policy contained in it. All sides of controversial issues are represented in the library as far as budget, space, and availability of materials allow. Selection is based upon the criteria cited in this policy statement. The race, religion, nationality, or political views of an author, the frankness or coarseness of language, the controversial content of an item, or the endorsement or disapproval of an individual or group in the community does not cause an item to be automatically included or excluded.

Children are not limited to materials in the juvenile collection although juvenile collections are kept together to facilitate use. Responsibility for materials selected for a child must rest with the parent or legal guardian. Selection will not be inhibited by the possibility that controversial materials may come into the possession of children.

A “Resident’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Material” form is available to all Oswego Public Library District residents for comments concerning library materials. Such complaints must be signed by the resident. No action will be taken until the Director has had the opportunity to examine the material in question.

A complainant may submit a “Resident’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Material” following the criteria listed below:

  • Request must be filed in writing with the Director;
  • Request form must be filled in completely;
  • Complainant must be identified fully and be a resident of the District.

A Materials Selection Committee, including the Library Director, a Library Trustee, and a Library Department Head, shall act upon the complaint and notify the complainant in writing of the decision reached. The complainant may appeal the Committee’s decision to the Board of Trustees of the Oswego Public Library District.


Aids to Selection

Reputable material reviews and subject and trade bibliographies are, among other sources, tools for selection that the Oswego Public Library District uses in identifying and evaluating material.


  • The Booklist
  • Library Journal
  • Publishers Weekly
  • School Library Journal
  • Voya
  • Booklinks
  • Horn Book
  • Bibliographies
  • Public Library Catalogs


Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their service.

  • Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  • Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  • Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
  • Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas.
  • A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.
  • Libraries which make exhibit space and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.


Fill out the form below to make a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials.


The Oswego Public Library District has a meeting room at the Montgomery Campus with seating for 60 (Occupancy 185), and seating for 40 (Occupancy 79) at our Oswego Campus.  The primary purpose of this meeting room is in support of library functions, meetings, and programs. The meeting room may, on occasion, be made available for use by members of the public, provided, all uses are consistent with the Library’s mission to provide quality library services which will effectively meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the Library District’s residents.

The Library will not discriminate in making the meeting room available for use on the basis of viewpoints expressed by users or the race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliations or physical limitations of its users.

By allowing use of its meeting rooms, the Library does not endorse the activities of viewpoints of meeting room users. Groups using the Library’s meeting room must:

  1. Not state or imply that the group’s activities are sponsored by the Library.
  2. Not use the Library as a mailing address or list the Library’s name, address, phone number, or web address as its headquarters.
  3. Not publicize their meeting with posters, leaflets, or other publicity in the Library building without prior approval. Directional signs and/or notices for day-of events must be approved by staff prior to posting and remove immediately after use of the meeting room.
  4. Include the following Disclaimer in all publications and advertisements “Use of Library meeting space does not constitute endorsement or approval of the organization, this program, or its content by the Oswego Public Library District.”

The Meeting Room may not be used for activities that might disturb regular library functions and the Library reserves the right to stop meetings that are disruptive to normal Library operations.

For and in consideration of the use of the meeting rooms and Library facilities, any person or group using them agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Oswego Public Library District from any and all actions or suits relating to its use of such room and facilities.

Priority for reserving the meeting room is given in the following order:

  1. Meetings of the Oswego Public Library District Board of Trustees
  2. Library sponsored and related meetings and programs
  3. Friends of the Oswego Library District
  4. 19th Century Woman’s Club
  5. Official agencies and board of governments serving the residents of the Library District
  6. Local community service groups and non-profit groups serving residents of the Library District

Library needs may preempt any other scheduled event.

Organizations not affiliated with the Oswego Public Library District may use the meeting room only when all of the following conditions are met:

  • Users of the meeting room agree to abide by Library policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees and Library Staff.
  • Organization is a non-profit group or governmental agency.
  • The reservation for the meeting room is made by a resident of the Oswego Public Library District (18 years or older) who has a valid Oswego Public Library District card.  The resident who reserves the room must attend the meeting.
  • The meeting takes place during regular library hours, and meeting room is returned to original set up one hour prior to closing.
  • The meeting cannot be expected to disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a normal and orderly manner.
  • The meeting is open to the public and free of charge.
  • Room reservations may not be made more than 90 days prior to the event.
  • Reservations may not be made more than once every 90 days for each group with the exception of local non-profit civic organizations or governmental agencies who may reserve the room once per calendar month.
  • Reservations are approved at the discretion of the Library Director or the Library Board.
  • The organization will assume all responsibility for set up and clean up.
  • AV equipment will be available at the discretion of the library staff.
  • The Library’s Unattended Children Policy also applies to people who use the meeting room.  A group must make provisions for childcare if the children will not be part of the program and all children seven (7) years of age and under must be supervised by a responsible caregiver at all times.  Library staff is not responsible for watching unattended children.


No fee for applicable library card holders Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Room rental fee is $50 after 5 p.m. weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday for non-profit groups that are not local civic organizations or governmental agencies.  Rental fee must be paid in cash or credit card prior to the event.  Library card holder reserving the room must give a 48 hour cancellation notice, otherwise room rental charge of $50 will be placed on their library account.

Late fees will be accessed at $25 per every 15 minutes.  Room is considered vacant after all participants have left and room is returned to condition it was found (i.e. chairs/tables put away/waste removed).  Library card holder who reserved the room should notify staff that room is vacant and can be checked.  Additional fees may be accessed for any damages to the meeting room. Equipment will be left in the same state as found. Additional costs will be added if staff assistance is needed to run the equipment to reimburse the library for expenses.

Infringement of any Meeting Room regulations or Library rules shall be grounds for denial of any future use of the Meeting Room.

List of Restrictions

  • The organization conducting the meeting is a non-profit group or governmental agency.
  • The meeting takes place during regular library hours. The meeting room must be empty and put back to original order one hour prior to closing.
  • The meeting cannot be expected to disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a normal and orderly manner. It is the responsibility of the organization to have someone in the lobby area directing participants to the meeting room.
  • The meeting is open to the public.
  • No fee is charged for attendance.
  • The organization using the meeting room is responsible for compliance with federal and local law, including but not limited to ADA.
  • The reservation for the meeting room is made by a resident of the Oswego Public Library District who has a valid Oswego Public Library District library card, and said resident must attend the meeting.
  • No items may be attached to the walls, furniture, doors, or ceiling.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed.
  • Room reservations may not be made more than 90 days prior to the event.
  • Reservations may not be made more than once every 90 days for each group with the exception of local non-profit civic organizations or governmental agencies who may reserve the room once per calendar month.
  • Reservations are approved at the discretion of the Library Director or the Library Board of Trustees
  • The organization will assume all responsibility for set up and clean up.
  • All users shall be responsible for the repair and or replacement of equipment or property damage beyond normal wear.
  • Meeting room users are required to comply with all policies and rules promulgated by the Board of Trustees and Library Staff.
  • Users must provide all their own meeting supplies.
  • No tacks, pins, or transparent tape are allowed on the painted walls or wood.
  • Meeting room reservations are not transferable from one group to another.
  • Oswego Fire Protection District occupancy limits will be observed at all times.
  • Light refreshments may be served in the meeting room. Pre-prepared food and coffee/tea is allowed, however, all waste must be disposed of by the group holding the meeting. No open flames or candles are permitted.
  • Groups including children must have adequate chaperones who remain in the room during the program at all times.

Prohibited Uses

As stated above, the Library’s meeting rooms are not available for uses, events, or activities which are contrary to the Library’s mission. Examples of uses and/or activities that the meeting room may not be used for include but are not limited to:

  1. Social or private parties, such as birthday and graduation parties, and bridal and baby showers.
  2. Meetings featuring music, crafts, or other activities which, by their nature, may be disruptive to the Library routine unless approved by the Library.
  3. Recitals or large performances of theatrical nature
  4. Fundraising activities, except for those that result in a direct benefit to the Library and have received prior approval of the Library Director.
  5. Political rallies and/or meetings organized for the purpose of urging action such as voting for or against any candidate, position, questions, or referendum.
  6. Legal conference or proceedings
  7. Depositions
  8. Reality closings
  9. Paid tutoring
  10. Any use through which a salary of fee is earned or business is solicited
  11. Individual use
  12. Gambling activities
  13. Condominium/homeowners associations

Click here for the Oswego Public Library District Meeting Room Application

Please allow 72 hours for us to review and reply to your meeting room request.  If you have not received a reply within 72 hours, please contact Krista Katzen at or call (630) 978-1037.

Social Media Policy


In support of the Oswego Public Library District’s mission to provide quality library service which will effectively meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of district residents of all ages, the library district utilizes various social media services as means of communication among library staff, patrons, and other community members for sharing information about the Oswego Public Library District (OPLD), its services, and other library-related issues.


For the purposes of this policy, the term “social media” is defined as any Internet-based communication tool that allows interaction and sharing of information among users. The policy applies to any social media resource or online account created or maintained by OPLD including.


  1. OPLD social media services and accounts are maintained by OPLD staff. The same high standards of timeliness, accuracy, and courtesy in providing services through social media will be maintained as are required of staff in providing information through any other means of communication.
  2. Comments and opinions from the public relevant to library services and issues are welcome. OPLD encourages courtesy and respect in all communications and requests that these standards be maintained by those posting to social media.
  3. OPLD is committed to the privacy of patrons and staff members and will not post patron or staff information without consent.
  4. Content deemed appropriate includes that which:
    1. Furthers the library’s mission
    2. Promotes or delivers library services
    3. Facilitates access to information
    4. Is relevant to the Oswego Public Library District, library services or library- related issues
  5. The Oswego Public Library District is committed to cultivating a safe online space. We reserve the right to remove any posts or deny access to Library social media accounts for any members of the public who post inappropriate content. Content deemed inappropriate includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Commercial advertisements or spam
    2. Organized political activity
    3. Fundraising solicitations
    4. Plagiarized material or material that violates copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights
    5. Threats to safety
    6. Potentially libelous statements
    7. Violations of local, state, or federal laws or promotion of illegal activity
    8. Private or personal information, including name, phone number, address, etc.
    9. Contributions not directly responsive to the current topic or relevant to library services or issues
    10. Discriminatory, defaming, harassing content
    11. Racial, ethnic, religious, gender slurs, jokes, and hate speech
    12. Objectionable and inflammatory content that uses profanity, obscene, threating, and indecent language or images.


By posting content, the user agrees to abide by the Social Media Policy and all other Oswego Public Library District policies. OPLD is not responsible or liable for postings by third parties on library-sponsored social media sites. These postings do not reflect the opinions of the Oswego Public Library District, its employees, or its Board of Trustees.


For more information about the Oswego Public Library District’s use of social media or its Social Media Policy, please contact the Library Director at 630-978-1506.



Section 1. Definition
A pandemic is different from other seasonal illnesses in that it occurs over a wide geographic
area and affects and exceptionally high proportion of the population. The fatality rate is often
much higher than typical seasonal illnesses.

Section 2. When to Take Action
In the event that a pandemic occurs, the library will be guided in how to respond by the Kendall
County Health Department, the Illinois Government, and the Federal Government. The Library
Director and the Library Board President will make the decision as to when to take action and
what to do.

Section 3. Closing the Buildings
The Library Director and Library Board will decide if it is most appropriate to keep the building
open and have as many people as possible telecommute or if it is most appropriate to close the
building until it is deemed safe to reopen. Should the buildings be closed, they will decide if
some or all staff will be paid to work remotely, doing things such as ordering materials, planning
programs, running social media, taking online trainings, etc. If some staff are not in positions
where working remotely is an option, some employees could be furloughed. During a closure,
book drops may need to be closed and due dates and return policies adjusted.

Section 4. Opening During a Pandemic
If the decision is made to keep the buildings open or to reopen after a closure, the following
measures should be taken to keep staff as safe as possible:
– Any staff who can telecommute should.
– Stay at home if anyone in your house is sick.
– Keep workspaces at least 6 feet apart
– Avoid contact with coworkers and others as much as possible
– Modify, postpone, or cancel large events
– Provide proper cleaners and set a schedule to sanitize surfaces in the building as much as
– Encourage frequent hand washing and cleaning in the building.
– Provide masks and gloves if needed.
– Take measures to limit the number of people in the buildings and the number of areas open to
the public.

Section 5. Sick Time During a Pandemic
In the event of a pandemic, an employee’s position is guaranteed to be held for them for 12
weeks by FMLA. This would be so that they could quarantine themselves if they believe they
have been exposed to the virus, recover from the virus, or take care of family recovering from
the virus. To be paid during this leave, the employee may use sick time or apply for the library’s
Banked Sick Time. To apply for banked sick time, please speak to the Director, Assistant
Director, or Business Manager.

Section 6. Vacation and Holiday Time During a Pandemic
All paid time off that expires must be used by the date it would normally expire. Staff who are
working from home would not be doing any work on those days that they are using vacation or
holiday time. Any time not used will expire on its usual date.

Section 7. High Risk Employees
Should an employee feel that they are at high risk during a pandemic and feel unsafe to return to
work, they have the option of asking for a temporary, unpaid leave of absence and resuming their
position when they feel it is safe for them to do so. The length of the leave of absence and the
approval of the leave of absence are at the discretion of the Library Director.


In order for the Board of Trustees to fulfill its obligation to complete the scheduled meeting agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation will be permitted at each meeting when the public is present.

The following rules shall govern speakers who address the Board:

  1. Speakers wishing to speak must be present at the meeting.
  2. Public participation and comment will be permitted during the “Public Comment” portion of the Agenda.
  3. The time allowed for each person to speak will be three (3) minutes. Speakers are asked to strictly adhere to time allocated and to be brief and to the point.
  4. Members of the public wishing to speak are urged but not required to sign in prior to the commencement of the Board Meeting and provide their name, address and topic on which they wish to speak. If applicable, the individual will provide the organization or association with which they are affiliated.
  5. The Board President will ask if anyone wishes to address the Board and will determine the order in which the speakers are recognized. In order to promote effective and efficient “Public Comment,” preference will be given to speakers who sign in.
  6. Speakers are urged to identify themselves, their residence address, topic(s) and group affiliation, if any, before speaking.
  7. Speakers may provide written copies of their concern to the Board. Requests to append written statements or correspondence to the meeting minutes will not be honored as meeting minutes are a summary of the Board’s discussion and actions.  Written materials presented to the Board may be included in the Board’s files, but will not be attached to the meeting minutes.
  8. Groups are asked to designate a single spokesperson.
  9. Any individual may record statements made during the Public Comment Period, however, recordings should be conducted in such a manner so as not to interfere with the business of the Board.
  10. Board members will generally not respond to comments from speakers, however, on occasion, the Board President may respond as appropriate and ask questions for clarification or direct speakers to the appropriate staff member for assistance. Issues requiring possible action by the Board may be added to a future agenda.  Issues that may need to be addressed by the administration will be duly noted.
  11. Individuals addressing the Board must at all times adhere to the library policies and other rules as may be necessary for the efficient and orderly conduct of the meeting.
  12. Members of the public shall not discuss individual personnel issues or confidential patron matters, and the speakers’ concerns or comments should be limited to library business. Comments on the performance of specific library employees must be addressed to the Library Director separate from the Board meeting.  When needed, discussion with the Board about an employee will be held in closed Executive Session.
  13. All public comment shall be addressed to the Board as a whole and no comments shall be addressed to individual members of the Board, Library staff or other members of the public.
  14. Abusive, profane, frivolous, harassing and/or repetitive comments and/or personal attacks will not be permitted. If any member of the public indulges in such remarks or otherwise engages in conduct injurious to the harmony of the Board and the meeting, the speaker will forfeit the opportunity to speak at future meeting.
  15. Failure to adhere to the above rules or other Library policies may result in removal of the speaker from Library property.
  16. The Board President shall decide all questions of order.
  17. The Board President shall have the authority to determine further procedures regarding public participation not otherwise defined in Board policy.

The Board of Trustees appreciates all who participate in open and orderly meetings.


The Public Library Act gives the Board of Trustees the legal right to exclude from the use of the library a person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Library Board.   The following rules exist to maintain decorum in the library:

  • Patrons may not bring food into the library.
  • No talking on cell phones in designated areas (texting is okay)
  • No smoking, vaping, or consumption of cannabis or cannabis-infused products on library property
  • No unattended children ages 7 or younger
  • Patrons must be engaged in reading, studying, or using library materials or services
  • No exhibiting unusual or inappropriate behavior

When the behavior of a patron constitutes a disruption which interferes with the use of the library by other patrons, or when a patron’s behavior constitutes a disruption which interferes with a staff member’s completion of his/her duties, or when the behavior could result in a safety hazard, injury, or damage to library property, the following progressive steps will be taken by the staff member in charge:

  1. Issue a verbal warning, with the statement that the person(s) will be asked to leave if the behavior does not cease
  2. Request that the person(s) leave the library
  3. Call the police

In case of misconduct that is extreme, the offender will be asked to leave the building immediately, or the police may be called.

Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the library will be the basis for suspension of library privileges for a time deemed reasonable by the Director.  Anyone who has had their library privileges restricted or revoked may appeal the decision upon written request to the Board of Library Trustees at the next regular Board meeting.  Anyone who has their library privileges revoked for one year or more must make a request in writing, or appear before the Board of Trustees, to have their library privileges considered for reinstatement at the end of the time period.

Persons damaging library property will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Board of Trustees authorizes the Director to take appropriate action in the library’s interest to prosecute criminal activity related to Library District property. A written record of incidents and accidents will be maintained at the library.


Children 7 years old and under must be attended by a parent or responsible child care provider while in the library.

Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the library. Disruptive children will be asked to leave, per the library’s rules of behavior.

Parents of children left repeatedly for long periods of time, with no observable intent to use the library, will be contacted by the Director and reminded that the library must not be used for the purpose of child care.

If the library is closing and the parents or responsible adult have not returned for their child within 10 minutes of closing, or cannot be contacted, safety dictates that the police will be called.